Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Week 3: Thing #5

Flickr: This is a site that I started using a number of years ago. As I started to get into it tho, I realized that it wasn't really giving anything back to me other than satisfying that voyeuristic side of me, which is not very strong. I was pretty certain other folks really didn't want to see what I was posting and I was a little disconcerted about posting photos of my favorite subjects, my boys. Needless to say, I quit going there.
Now, a few years later, I see that Flickr has really changed. Again, it is hugely overwhelming. These people must have soooo much time on their hands!! Are they not busy with kids, school, work, PLAY??
My other comment would have something to do with the fact that some of these people are certainly not very modest!! I followed a stream that plopped me right in the middle of a group of photos of lots of women in a variety of poses and outfits - 'nuf said.
I think I will update my FLICKR account and see where it goes.
I also looked at the 365 Days in the Library project. I had a little brainstorm for my library. I am thinking I will do a 188 Days in the Trailside Library. Each day (even Inservice days), I will take a photo, number it and post it somewhere, perhaps on my page of our school website. I will add this to our wiki of ideas.


Ann said...

I really like the 188 days idea. Sometimes the benefit of the tools isn't so much in the using them,but in the "borrowing" of ideas :-)

I always said I would steal lesson plans from Attila the Hun if he had good ones.


Anonymous said...

Whoa! Girlfriend, it's a great idea (188 days/188 photos). Would love to know how that works out for you.
elaine d.

Katie said...

I'm intrigued by some of the offshoots of Flickr like Mappr and Big Huge Labs but I think Ann hits it on the head. The various tools may not be exactly what we need for school library work but why not adapt and borrow some of the better ideas and just know what the sites have to offer so we can offer them or perhaps even 'better' solutions to students and staff who may have a use for them.
