Friday, July 25, 2008

Week 6: Thing 15

I have read several of the perspectives on Library 2.0. I must admit, a few of them were way over my head. However, I really liked and agreed with what Michael Stephens had to say. I believe that Dr. Wendy Shultz was also traipsing along the same path, just in a wordier way.

Ultimately, I believe that librarians and libraries will always be needed. Our society needs to have a place to go physically. People enjoy the physicalness (can that be a word for today?) of the library: the aesthetics of the building, the smell, the kindred spirits wandering within, the books, the buzz of other folks on missions or just rustling about, magazines & newspapers for free, puzzles for kids, copiers to borrow, and so much more. And, yes, computers. There will be people who access libraries and all that they have to offer via their home computer. Some of these people will be saavy enough to do it all on their own. However, there will always be some people who need librarians in the physical walls of the library to help them find their shelf, their book, their website, their audio book. Librarians are guides. They reach out and draw folks and information in together. Librarians are smart and forward thinking.

The technology aspect of libraries is going to change and change and change. We can name it different names and give it different definitions. However, those are going to be changing just as fast as the technology does. The important thing is that librarians keep their goal in mind and use what is best for the library users and their particular needs.

As for my thoughts regarding 2.0 for an elementary school librarian.... the elementary school librarian is still there to teach the students how to access and use the library, to aid them in their search for books, both nonfiction & fiction, and hopefully to build a love (or at least an appreciation) of the library, books & learning. If there is time beyond that, then I do hope that the librarian has the space, equipment and knowledge to introduce this great tool we have available.

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